M. Wagenaar

Functie: Longarts
Bereikbaarheid: (053) 487 26 10
BIG Registratie: 59042468801


Longarts in Medisch Spectrum Twente: locatie Enschede en Slaapcentrum Oldenzaal

Speciale aandachtsgebieden

  • Niet-invasieve beademing
  • Slaapgerelateerde ademhalingsstoornissen


1976 – 1985 VWO, Willem de Zwij­ger Col­lege te Bussum
1985 – 1993 Studie genee­skunde aan de Rijksuni­versiteit Leiden

doctoraalexamen 1991

artsexamen 1993

1994 – 1999 Assistent in opleiding (AIO) afdeling longziekten Katholieke Universiteit      Nijmegen, Dekkerswald

Titel onderzoek:

Ventilatory stimulation by acetazolamide and medroxyprogesterone acetate

1999 – 2004 Opleiding tot Longarts Universitair Longcentrum Nijmegen
2004 – 2005 Longarts: Universitair Longcentrum Nijmegen
2005 – heden Longarts: Medisch Spectrum Twente, Enschede



“Ventilatory stimulation by acetazolamide and medroxyprogesterone acetate. A study in cats and COPD patients”

Promotie: Nijmegen, 15 januari 2003

Promotor: Prof. Dr. H.Th.M. Folgering, Hoogleraar Longfysiologie.

Schramel, F.M.N.H., Wagenaar, M., Sutedja, T.G., Golding R.P., Postmus, P.E. Diagnostiek van pneumothorax niet gediend door aanvullende röntgenopname van de thorax in inspiratiestand. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd, 1995;139:131-133.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. Effects of low dose acetazolamide on the control of breathing in the anaesthetized cat. Eur J Resp, 1995;suppl (8):162S.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. Acetazolamide and the control of breathing in the anaesthetized cat. Pflügers Arch, 1995; 430: R174.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. The effect of low dose acetazolamide on the ventilatory CO2 response curve in the anaesthetized cat. J Physiol (London), 1996;495:227-237.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. Effect of low dose acetazolamide on the ventilatory response to CO2 during hypoxemia in the anaesthetized cat. Pflügers Arch, 1996;432:R6.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. Low­ dose acetazolamide and the control of breathing during hypoxaemia. A study in the anaesthetized cat. Eur Resp J, 1996;(suppl 23):129s.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M. Ventilatory CO2response curve in the anaesthetized cat and Medroxyprogesterone acetate Pflügers Arch, 1997;434:R44.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L.J., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C.N., Folgering, H.Th.M.Medroxyprogesterone acetate and the control of breathing in the cat. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1997;155(4):A851.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P., Heijdra, Y., Teppema, L., van Herwaarden, C., Folgering, H. Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on the control of breathing. Sleepwake Research in the Netherlands, 1997;8:125-128.

Folgering H., Vos P., Heijdra Y., Wagenaar M., van Herwaarden C.

Sleep disordered breathing in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In: Dahan A, Teppema L, van Beek J, eds. Physiology and pharmacology of cardio-respiratory control. 1st ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer academic publishers, 1998:51-58.

Wagenaar M, Teppema L, Berkenbosch A, Olievier C, Folgering H.

Ventilatory effects of combined treatment of medroxyprogesterone acetate and acetazolamide in the cat. Eur Respir J, 1998: (suppl 28):385s.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P, Heijdra, Y., van Herwaarden, C., Folgering, H.

The effects of medroxyprogesterone acetate and acetazolamide on the nocturnal oxygen saturation in COPD patients. Sleepwake Research in the Netherlands, 1998;9:139-144.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C., Folgering H.

The effect of low dose acetazolamide on the ventilatory CO2 response during hypoxia in the anaesthetized cat. Eur Respir J 1998;12:1271-1277.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P., Heijdra, Y., Teppema, L., van Herwaarden, C., Folgering, H. Combined treatment with acetazolamide and medroxyprogesterone on the control of breathing in COPD patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1999;159:A419.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P., Heijdra, Y., Teppema, L., van Herwaarden, C., Folgering, H.Medroxyprogesterone acetate and Acetazolamide augment ventilation in hypercapnic COPD patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1999;159:A784.

Wagenaar, M., Teppema, L., Berkenbosch, A., Olievier, C, Folgering, H.

Medroxyprogesterone acetate with acetazolamide stimulates breathing in cats. Respir Physiol 2000;19-29.

Wagenaar, M., Mattijssen, V., Mol, J.J., Boerman, R.H. Acute encephalopathy following intrathecal methothrexate therapy during remission induction therapy in ALL

Neth J Med 2000;56:A52.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P, Heijdra, Y., Teppema, L.J., Folgering, H.

Combined treatment with acetazolamide and medroxyprogesterone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Eur Respir J 2002;20:1130-1137.

Bootsma, G.P., Heijdra, Y., Wagenaar, M. Chronic respiratory Failure (letter to the editor). Thorax 2002;57:835-836.

Wagenaar, M., Vos, P., Heijdra, Y., Teppema, L.J., Folgering, H.

Comparison of acetazolamide and medroxyprogesterone acetate as respiratory stimulants in hypercapnic patients with COPD. Chest 2003,123:1450-1459.

Hengstman G.J, Drost G, Wagenaar M, van Engelen B.G.

Persistent increased risk for thymoma in myasthenia gravis associated with myositis.

Muscle Nerve. 2006;34(2):251-252.

van Ede A, den Broeder A, Wagenaar M, van Riel P, Creemers M.C.

Etanercept-related extensive pulmonary nodulosis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis.

J Rheumatol. 2007;34(7):1590-1592.

de Koning D.B, Drenth J.P, Oyen WJ, Wagenaar M, Aliredjo R.P, Nagengast FM.

Pulmonary sclerosing hemangioma detected by fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in familial adenomatous polyposis: report of a case.

Dis Colon Rectum. 2007;50(11):1987-1991.

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